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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Top 10 Sporting Trophies and Awards

Sports play an important role in quite a few people's live and for those who compete in different sporting disciplines will dedicate time and effort to not just playing but also training to win a trophy. Today there are a wide variety of trophies and awards that teams and individuals would like the honour of winning and below we take a look at what we consider to be the top 10 sporting trophies or awards.

1. The FA Cup - This is one of the most prestigious trophies that teams who play in the English football league would like to be presented with. But it isn't just the teams that reach the final played at Wembley one of the most famous football grounds in the world in May each year who are excited so are their fans.

2. The Stanley Cup - All teams that compete in the USA NHL (National Hockey League) would like to be presented with this trophy. This is one of the largest trophies to be presented for a sporting competition these days and weighs a total of 34.5lbs (15.5kg) and stands at a height of 89.5 cm. The trophy will finally be presented to the team who wins the NHL Playoffs and in 2009 it was the Pittsburgh Pirates who achieved this. Their captain Sidney Crosby is the youngest captain to ever being presented with this trophy at the time he was 21 years old.

3. The Jules Rimet Trophy - It was originally known as the Coupe de Monde but in 1930 the world governing body of football FIFA chose to rename it after the chairman of the organization at the time. This newly named trophy was then presented to Uruguay after winning the final in 1930. However since the first presentation this trophy has been stolen twice the first time in 1966 prior to commencement of the World Football competition in England and then again in 1983. However as the trophy was not found following the second theft a replica was made and then presented to Brazil by FIFA as they had won the title for the third time in 1970.

4. Football World Cup - Following the Brazilian football team being presented with the Jules Rimet Trophy replica, FIFA chose to commission a new trophy. The first team to be presented with this new trophy was Germany who won the competition in 1974. There are five versions of this trophy and each weighs around 13lbs (6kg) as they have been crafted from 18 carat solid gold.

5. The European Cup - This is the most important trophy for football teams that play in the various leagues across Europe. As well as having to compete against teams from their own country they are also having to compete with others from across Europe. Following the first trophy being presented there have been several teams who because they have won the competition five times or three times in a row have been able to keep it. At present both AC Milan and Liverpool Football Club keep a copy of this trophy permanently in a cabinet at their ground.

6. America's Cup - Of all the trophies that we list here in our top 10 sporting trophies and awards list this is the oldest. It was first presented to the winning yacht team back in 1851 and although we have all heard of this trophy this is one sporting competition that many of us don't watch.

7. The Ryder Cup - For any professional golfer whether European or American being asked to play as a member of the team is an honour. The first game took place in 1927 and since then the competition has taken place another 37 times. This is actually one of the smallest trophies to be presented for a sporting competition and measures just 17" (high) by 9" (wide).

8. Wimbledon Men's Singles Trophy - This trophy for the sport of tennis was first presented back in 1887 and of all the trophies associated with this sport it is the one that most people around the world can recognize easily. Since the first time of it being presented players like Bjorn Borg, Pete Sampras and Roger Federer have had the honour of being presented with it more than once.

9. The Ashes - This is a trophy that involves just two teams namely the England and Australian cricket teams but is still a very important trophy to include in this list. Of all the trophies or awards that we look at in this list this one is the smallest. The team that wins the competition is presented with a small wooden urn which must be returned so it can be kept safe in the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) museum. To compensate for having to return the real trophy the winning team is also presented with a larger crystal version of it.

10. The Challenge Cup -This is the trophy that are involved in England's Rugby league are looking to have the honour of winning. Of all the top 10 sporting trophies or awards we list the team that wins this competition is allowed to retain the trophy until the final the following year. Currently the trophy resides in a cabinet at the ground of the Warrington Wolves who in 2009 at Wembley beat Huddersfield Giants.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Training Like an Athlete

Whether you are an athlete or just want to look like one.  The first thing you want to do is train like one. If you don't really want to be a bodybuilding, but want to have lean muscle mass, then you need to train like an athlete. Ever notice the way athletes look on TV? You have your track and field stars, football players, gymnasts and most MMA fighters. They look like someone chiseled them from a block of wood and turned them into a real life person. Their body fat is low. Some in the single digits, which is very hard to get to. They're training is very different than the way your most average gym rats train. Which is well lets say it nicely, boring. They train for specific reasons and goals. They train for power, speed, and functional strength. They have goals. Set yourself a goal, write it down and track it. Most people at the gym may work out each muscle group but most athletes train their bodies using total body movements while lifting weights, which involve lifting while standing, free weights, explosive lifts and overhead weight lifting. Do you really see the average rat do that on a consistent basis? One more huge advantage for training like this is that you kick the natural testosterone levels in your system in gear and start building muscle. I recently discovered this in my research and started to train in a whole different style and with a different mindset.

Here's an example of what I am talking about. Instead of doing the same boring bench press, try doing alternating medicine ball - pushups. This will not only work your chest but shoulders and arms. Instead of just doing squats in the rack, try doing split squat lunge, push press. This will work your entire body and will you will gain power, strength and over all improve fitness. You will need to run, not walk but run and run hard and fast. Remember the whole concept to training like an athlete is you have to use your whole body using explosive movements in every exercise you do. Move from one exercise to another without rest and complete what I call rounds (your sets). Rests should be no more than 30 seconds. Keep your heart rate up and stay moving. I can't stress enough that explosiveness is key if you want to train to be or to look like an athlete. When you go to your next workout, try these new alternatives in your routine to see if it makes a difference. Train hard or go home. Good luck.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Children's Fitness Can Be Fun - Promoting a Healthy Life Style

When an adult thinks about exercise, the first thing that comes to his/her mind is exhausting workouts in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for kids, exercise can have entirely different meanings, because playing games and being active is also exercise, helping the kids get fit. Kids exercise when attending gym classes, dancing classes or soccer practice at school. They also exercise when they're at playing games, riding bikes, or having fun at the swimming pool.

Today, most people follow such hectic lifestyle routines that no one has enough time to engage in regular healthy activities like gym sessions or sports. It's also true that many parents don't have enough time to properly encourage their children to take part in regular and organized sports and physical activities. Exercise and fun sessions also help to boost confidence and learning power of a child.

Many Benefits of Exercise

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise and fitness routines, and Kids who are active will often benefit from the following;

Weight Control: It is often reported that many children spend their leisure time watching TV or playing computer games and do not involve themselves in children's fitness, healthy fun and sports activities, resulting in many children suffering from some level of obesity. Increasing physical activity along with a well balanced & healthy diet has been known as an effective weight-loss strategy, and helps with self-esteem and socialization. Overweight children are exposed to many health hazards like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, growth hormone dysregulation, and respiratory and orthopedic problems. Fun session and kids fitness activities help a child to improve their health and encourage a healthier lifestyle in general.

Cardiovascular protection: Although cardiovascular disease often doesn't appear until adulthood, risk factors can be present much earlier in life. Regular exercise significantly reduces blood cholesterol level and thus, prevents from cardiovascular diseases.

Mental health benefits: Fun sessions and kids fitness activities can also positively affect the mental health of a child. They can help reduce anxiety and depression, increase self-esteem, improve a child's self-image, and help them cope with everyday situations better.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ballwall C4 - Pass - turn - finish

- control the ball with one touch - turn quickly and finish! Equipment: 1 x Ballwall Large Wall or 1 x Ballwall Small Wall

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Treadmill Or Any Other Cardio Machine - Get Off Those Over Hyped Cardio Machines

Get off those over hyped cardio machines because when you jog along on a steady pace you do not make your body work properly to burn fat and calories. It is like driving a Ferrari in town all the time, the engine wants to go on the open road fast. That is what it has been built for. Driving it on 50km/hour all the time will ruin it.

Here is why you should start do bursts of exertion exercises rather than steady pace ones:

It is not healthy. You train your heart at one heart rate which is very low, that can cause blockage in the arteries when your heart rate accelerates and your blood pressure goes up. Think about all the times you get really excited about something or scared or stressed which we all do on a daily basis, these are the times you want to prepare your heart to be ready to deal with these situations.

You will not lose weight. What you want is to produce hormones like testosterone and growth hormone that will create action in your body that will burn to ashes calories and fat even when you sleep. Only fast motions activities will create those hormones in your body.

Steady state endurance exercise does burn fat but only for a couple of hours after workout. So what about all the pizza and other junk food you eat after workout. Burst of exertion exercises will carry on working for you and burn fat and calories for up to 48 hours after your workout, that is why you burn fat even when you sleep.

Fast bursts are fun. Seriously - put your hand on your heart, look me in the eyes and tell me that you really enjoy those brainless boring jogs on a treadmill in the gym or cycling or any other steady state endurance cardio you do in the gym. I have never heard anybody who actually enjoys them. Now lets look at sprints you can do in the park, playing soccer, basketball, racquetball, tennis, combining a few fast motion body weight exercises that you can actually do at home, and there many more options of those bursts of exertion type exercises which are much more healthy cardio for you than your current gym work.

Truth About Abs offers all that and way way more.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kettlebell FAQ's

What is a kettlebell?

A kettlebell is a cast iron weight that is shaped like a bowling ball with a thick suitcase-style handle. Kettlebells range in weight from 4kg (9 lbs) to 40kg (88 lbs).

How did kettlebells come into existence?

Kettlebells first appeared in Russia over 100 years ago. Originally kettlebells were used in fairs and markets to balance scales when weighing heavy objects. The Russian military began using them within their training regime because they demand an overhaul of all of the body's energy systems simultaneously.

Who uses kettlebells?

Kettlebells are used by a variety of people including stay-at-home moms, business professionals, athletes, martial artists, law enforcement, firemen, military, and other people who are looking for a more efficient and functional workout.

Why train with kettlebells?

Kettlebells are the ultimate all-in-one fitness and strength/conditioning tool. Kettlebells promote strength, cardio, flexibility, and mobility all at the same time with a special emphasis on CORE STRENGTH. This type of training is perfect for those looking for 'the most out of the least' thus maximizing workouts. Anyone can gain noticeable benefits in 30-minute workouts a couple of times per week.

Are the kettlebell techniques difficult to learn?

At first, kettlebells look deceptively challenging. However, once you experience them, you will find that most people will be able to learn basic technique within 3-4 hours of hands-on instruction.

Why are you encouraged to 'lock' your joints when kettlebell training?
Kettlebell training contradicts most traditional weight training. By 'locking' your joints you are strengthening tendons and ligaments. You also train your body in compromising positions, under careful surveillance, so you are hopefully able to withstand minor injuries or avoid injuries altogether in the future.

Do kettlebells hurt your back during certain exercises?
Kettlebells don't hurt your back if you are using correct form. At first, they look to be dangerous, which is correct, as are most forms of weight training if you don't receive proper instruction.

Am I cut out to work with kettlebells?

Most people regardless of current or previous injuries, training background, age or physical condition will find kettlebells a refreshing break from the normal workout routine. Kettlebells are definitely more challenging but also extremely fun at the same time.

What type of results can I expect when using kettlebells?

Kettlebells develop a lean, strong, and graceful look. Many are amazed at how quickly they 'feel' the benefits. The energy you will receive from kettlebell training allows you to finish your workout 'full of life'. You will also become less susceptible to injuries because you are training in all three planes of movement rather than a single plane which most traditional training methods address.

Can I get a total body workout using only one kettlebell?

Yes you can! The combinations are ENDLESS. The creativity of your kettlebell routine is ONLY limited to your own mind or your trainer's mind.

Can I build strength without size with kettlebells?

Yes. Kettlebells address strength gain through the central nervous system than traditional weight training. You will feel more 'connected' after a few weeks of kettlebell training. You can build size with kettlebells but it takes a lot more time and effort but it takes diligent dedication to do so.

How do I know which weight to start with?

Most females will begin with either the 9kg (18 lbs) or 12kg (26 lbs.). Most males will begin with either the 16kg (36 lbs) or 24kg (53 lbs). Although you will be gun-shy when starting, most people rapidly move up to the next size kettlebell. Consult with Amber or Brad in order to best customize your needs.

What kind of footwear is worn during kettlebell workouts?

Bare-foot is ideal so you can have a better 'connection' with the ground, but another option is flat-soled shoes. Flat-soled shoes are highly recommended so you can 'grip and feel' the ground with your feet. Examples of some types and brands would be Adidas soccer shoes, Converse Chuck Taylor's, Diesel, Puma, and Steve Madden just to name a few. You should avoid wearing 'running' shoes because the extra cushioning spells disaster for potential injuries when training with kettlebells.

What is 'joint mobility'?

Joint mobility is creating and or re-creating a range of motion that already exists within the joints, muscles and other tissues of the body. Joint mobility is a combination of bodyweight calisthenics, tai chi, and dynamic warm-ups all complementary of each other facilitating new-found harmony throughout the entire body. Freedom of movement usually needs to be re-introduced to most people due to the aging process and/or conditioning of the way we think and move.

What is the difference between 'joint mobility' and flexibility?
Joint mobility provides a life-simulated approach to movement. We live in three-dimensional world; therefore, we should train in a more realistic fashion. Joint mobility and kettlebells combine to provide a synergy unmatched in the health and fitness, strength and conditioning industries.

I'm 65 years old, weak, inflexible, and don't have good balance. Can I use kettlebells and joint mobility?

Yes you can! Once you've been cleared by your physician you are ready to begin an exercise program. Kettlebells and joint mobility are EXACTLY what you need in order to reverse the aging process.

I have previous injuries including torn rotator cuffs, torn ACL, and a bad back. Will kettlebells help or aggravate these injuries?

Under close supervision, kettlebells and joint mobility will help all of these injuries become less, if not eliminate, all of these issues.

How do I get started?

Experience the Revolution by contacting Amber or Brad today!

Where are you located?

We train out of Victory Fitness Personal Training Studio in Woodbury, Minnesota.
(click here for map and driving directions)

What kind of training options do you offer?

We offer technique-based workshops typically lasting 2-4 hours. Once you understand the basic techniques we train half-hour 'team' sessions (2 people per session) or group boot camp-style classes. Private one hour sessions are available upon request. We also are available for workshops upon request (contact Brad for more information).

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