Whether you are an athlete or just want to look like one. The first thing you want to do is train like one. If you don't really want to be a bodybuilding, but want to have lean muscle mass, then you need to train like an athlete. Ever notice the way athletes look on TV? You have your track and field stars, football players, gymnasts and most MMA fighters. They look like someone chiseled them from a block of wood and turned them into a real life person. Their body fat is low. Some in the single digits, which is very hard to get to. They're training is very different than the way your most average gym rats train. Which is well lets say it nicely, boring. They train for specific reasons and goals. They train for power, speed, and functional strength. They have goals. Set yourself a goal, write it down and track it. Most people at the gym may work out each muscle group but most athletes train their bodies using total body movements while lifting weights, which involve lifting while standing, free weights, explosive lifts and overhead weight lifting. Do you really see the average rat do that on a consistent basis? One more huge advantage for training like this is that you kick the natural testosterone levels in your system in gear and start building muscle. I recently discovered this in my research and started to train in a whole different style and with a different mindset.
Here's an example of what I am talking about. Instead of doing the same boring bench press, try doing alternating medicine ball - pushups. This will not only work your chest but shoulders and arms. Instead of just doing squats in the rack, try doing split squat lunge, push press. This will work your entire body and will you will gain power, strength and over all improve fitness. You will need to run, not walk but run and run hard and fast. Remember the whole concept to training like an athlete is you have to use your whole body using explosive movements in every exercise you do. Move from one exercise to another without rest and complete what I call rounds (your sets). Rests should be no more than 30 seconds. Keep your heart rate up and stay moving. I can't stress enough that explosiveness is key if you want to train to be or to look like an athlete. When you go to your next workout, try these new alternatives in your routine to see if it makes a difference. Train hard or go home. Good luck.
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