Exercise is an essential part of living a healthy life. It provides tremendous benefit to your entire body, as well as your mind. Exercise is incredible for helping overcome depressions and self confidence issues. It is also a wonderful way to feel as if you are accomplishing something. A great way to relieve stress and anxiety, it is also a key to weight control. Exercise is extremely important for your general well being and cardiovascular health. It is also a great way to prevent diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise helps build a strong immune system. Having a strong immune system means the body is better prepared to fight external germs and diseases with great efficiency.
There are two primary forms of exercises: aerobic and anaerobic.
Aerobic endurance exercises generally refers to long-term activities which rely primarily on the oxidative energy pathway. These involves continuous activity that is long in duration but low in intensity, allowing the body to replenish needed oxygen. It involves continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and bicycling. During aerobic exercises,the muscles draw on oxygen in the blood as well as fats and glucose increasing cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic activities include walking, jogging, swimming, biking, ballroom dancing, aerobic classes, etc. Aerobic exercise done for 45-60 minutes a day help in working out the large muscle group. It is ideal for beginners to build on their strength and stamina. Aerobic exercises are also less strenuous on the joints and muscles.
Anaerobic exercises generally refers to short term endurance capacity which relies mainly on anaerobic energy pathways. Anaerobic exercise is essentially exercise without oxygen. Activities that many people enjoy include: yoga, pilates, weight training and other choices. Anaerobic exercise is where the body is exercising at such a rate that the blood stream cannot supply oxygen to muscles fast enough. It burns more fat than aerobic exercises. Therefore, it is ideal for fat and weight loss. These include short-term exercise lasting usually less than a minute before lactate and hydrogen ions bring muscle activity to a halt. Football, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Soccer are all examples of anaerobic sports. Among these (HIIT) short form for high intensity interval training has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. HIIT allows you to spend a long cumulative time in an anaerobic state by alternating high intensity activities with periods of rest and recovery. This includes a warm up followed by sprinting for 30 seconds and walking or jogging for 1 minute. Depending on fitness level the duration and intensity may vary from person to person.
Exercise is definitely not a waste of time. It is beneficial when done in the right amounts and in the right way. Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life. Exercise not only is good for you, but it also helps you feel great. If you exercise enough, you will help your mental psyche improve, as well as increase your energy level.
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